
Using coordinates in pytorch is a mismash between normalized coordinates, unnormalized coordinates, matrix indices, calls to meshgrid and grid_sample, and permuting/reshaping tensors. TorchSample aims to make it very simple to generate coordinates, and to sample a neural network with them.

For example, if we wanted to generate all the coordinates for a 2D image, and use them to query the image, we would have to perform the following:

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

image = torch.rand(1, 3, 480, 640)
unnormalized_coords_x, unnormalized_coords_y = torch.meshgrid(
    (torch.arange(image.shape[-1]), torch.arange(image.shape[-2])),
)  # These are each shape (480, 640)
# This is for align_corners=False
normalized_coords_x = (unnormalized_coords_x * 2 + 1) / image.shape[-1] - 1
normalized_coords_y = (unnormalized_coords_y * 2 + 1) / image.shape[-2] - 1
normalized_coords = torch.stack((normalized_coords_x, normalized_coords_y), -1)
normalized_coords = normalized_coords[None]  # Add a singleton batch dimension

sampled = F.grid_sample(
    image, normalized_coords, mode="nearest", align_corners=False
)  # (1, 3, 480, 640)

assert (sampled == image).all()

That’s quite a lot of work! During all of this, it would be very easy to accidentally:

  1. Swap (x, y) for (row, col) during mesh creation.

  2. Normalize the coordinates improperly.

  3. Stack the coordinates in the wrong order.

Conversely, lets see how this would look using TorchSample:

import torch
import torchsample as ts

image = torch.rand(1, 3, 480, 640)
coords = ts.coord.full_like(image)
sampled = ts.sample(coords, image, mode="nearest", feat_last=False)
assert (sampled == image).all()

Using TorchSample, the code is much more terse, readable, and less likely to contain a bug. This allows the developer to instead focus on their actual network architecture rather than getting caught up in the coordinate/sampling machinery.