
After generating coordinates, we can use them to query some image or voxel-like matrix using ts.sample.

image = torch.rand(16, 3, 480, 640)
coords = ts.coord.random(16, 4096, 2)
samples = ts.sample(coords, image)  # (16, 4096, 3)

Frequently, the sampled features are fed into an MLP-like network. Because of this, sample places the feature dimension last by default so that downstream linear layers can be computed efficiently. The features can be returned in the standard first dimension-after-batch, if supplied with feat_last=False.

Sampling with positional encoding#

sample can take in an optional function handle encoder. If provided, the encoder function is applied to the passed in coordinates, and the encoded coordinates will be concatenated onto the output sampled featuremap. This can be useful if sampling a featuremap and you want the downstream MLP to also have the coordinates available as input.

image = torch.rand(16, 3, 480, 640)
coords = ts.coord.random(16, 4096, 2)
samples = ts.sample(coords, image, encoder=ts.encoding.gamma)  # (16, 4096, 43)

See Positional Encoding for available encoders.

samples = ts.sample(coords, image, feat_last=False)  # (16, 3, 4096)